Chikore High School girls win the national ICT competition

Freedom MutandaCorrespondent Schools Arts and Science Science Festival started at provincial level this year and the young Chikore High School computer scientists came up with an innovative programme which helps retail shops to manage activities using ICT tools and even teachers are helped to time their lessons via a programme which reminds them of an […]
CHIKORE High’s Information and Communication Technology (ICT) laboratory received a major boost after the Chipinge school received ICT gadgets from its former learners.

Freedom MutandaCorrespondent CHIKORE High’s Information and Communication Technology (ICT) laboratory received a major boost after the Chipinge school received ICT gadgets from its former learners. Mr Obadiah Mugano, spokesperson of the alumni known as Team ’81 and whose membership is drawn from throughout the world, said the gesture – which saw them handing over a […]